
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I ovulated!

Well I triggered on Sunday, at 8pm, that wasn't the easiest injection to do. DH and I got busy and had some fun, over the past couple of days. I hope we succeeded this time!!!  I will be traveling over the 4th of July weekend, so I won't be obsessing too much. Let the 2ww begin!!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

CD 11 Folliscan

Today I had my third and final folliscan for this cycle. My Right ovary had one at 20mm and one at 16mm!!! Left ovary follicle stopped growing at 14. The Nurse at first wasn't sure if my right ones were big enough, but then she was able to get a good look and noticed the one follicle was 20mm which is what they are looking for to trigger. I am to  trigger tonight and DH and I will be getting busy for the next couple of days!!!! Looking forward to the 2ww.

Friday, June 25, 2010

CD 9 Folliscan

Well went today to get my 2nd folliscan. The news wasn't as good as I had hoped for I had 4 follicles on Wednesday that were growing, now I only have 3 Follicles that are growing, 2 on my right at 14, 11 and 1 on my left at 9mm, Lefty is being lazy! Was told by my nurse that I might not trigger on Sunday, and might have to wait until Monday or Tuesday. Grow Follies Grow!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

CD 7 Folliscan

Today I went in for my CD 7 Folliscan, I'm not sure if this is great news or good news, but I have 4 Follicles! 2 Follicles on each ovary, they are measuring kind of small at the moment but the nurse assured me they'd get bigger over the next couple of days. My E2 (estradiol or estrogen) level is at 129 which is in the right range for the number and size of my follicles. The nurse also complimented me on my lining, telling me it was really nice number for only being CD 7. I am to continue Follistim injections at 125 IU and I am going to go back for another blood draw and Folliscan on Friday. Grow Follies GROW!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Second day of injections

Today I woke up feeling like a mack truck had hit me, backed up and hit me again. I had a headache, body aches and some type of sinus problems. I was concerned, I looked it up online and these wonderful things are all side effects of the medicine I'm injecting into me. GREAT! But the end result is worth all the suffering. I finally felt better around the time of my next injection, how ironic lol.

The second injection went more smoothly then yesterdays. This time I took some advice I read saying to ice the area for a few mins before injecting the meds. Then to slowly insert the needle,and slowly push the plunger down and holding it in for a count of 5. No stinging today, I think I have gotten this injection thing down. Now lets hope my follicles are growing, but not too many!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Baseline Ultrasound Today

Well I had my baseline ultrasound today at 7:30 am. Everything looked perfect!!!! No cysts and my lining was good. My nurse just called me 15 mins ago to tell me that this injectable cycle is a go, and to start my follistim injections tonight between 5-10 pm and stick within 30 minutes of whatever time I chose. I'm thinking about 7pm might be a good time, now if only I can get over my fear of needles by then lol! I'll update as how my first injection went later tonight, wish me luck! My next sonogram to check follicles is on the 23rd at 9:15 am.


Well I didn't do my injection until 9pm. It was a little unnerving at first, but I sucked it up and did it. OWWIE!!! It wasn't so bad going in, but after I took the needle out the area stung for a while due to the medicine. All in all not too bad. I think I can do this again.

Friday, June 18, 2010

My Meds have arrived!

Well after arguing yesterday with the insurance people and the pharmacy about what is and is not covered, it was finally confirmed that I am approved coverage for my injectable cycle. The meds were delivered today. I opened up the box and was so overwhelmed by all that I will be taking this cycle. After cycles of only taking two pills at night, now I have to inject follistim nightly, then Trigger and then take progesterone suppositories. I know its alot less than what those who are doing IVF have to do, but its still just a bit overwhelming to me. I go for my baseline sonogram tomorrow, I hope my ovaries are free of cysts, so I can begin my treatment!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Injectable Cycle #1 Here we go!

Had my injection training yesterday, it was interesting but I'm not sure if I'm really ready to be sticking myself quite yet. I will have to get over that pretty quickly since I finally got my period. My baseline sonogram is on Saturday, I am hoping they find that my ovaries are quiet and ready to be stimmed. I am so excited/nervous/hopeful about this cycle and I thought it would never happen! My UTI seems to have gotten better, although I'm not to fond of the antibiotics since I've started taking them on Monday I've had a nonstop headache. My mind is racing with all the possibilities of this cycle, and with a very real sense of hope. Now if only I can keep my thoughts positive!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Denfinitely a UTI

Well I suffered most of the day until I was able to go to my regular doctors office, I definitely have a UTI. I finally got the antibiotics and some type of pain reliever. Tomorrow I have another appt. for my Injection class. I hope I can make it on time, this is getting ridiculous. I still haven't had my period yet its been 5 days since my last Provera pill. This isn't normal for me, I usually start 3 days after the last pill. I'm wondering if somehow this UTI has messed up my cycle. I will just have to ask my nurse what I should do next.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Missed Injection Class and a UTI

Friday I was scheduled for my injection teach, where the nurse would of told me what medicines I would be using and how to inject the medicines properly. Well thanks to DH (definitely DAMN Husband this time) was late picking me up and we were over 20 mins late thanks to traffic. By the time I got to the office, the nurse had already started on another patient, and I was told I would have to reschedule. I lost it for a moment, I was so angry/frustrated that I looked at DH and said thanks for making me late, turned around and ran out of the office with tears. I sat in the car until DH came out telling me the nurse would just call me later with another appt. I didn't speak to him until we got home. I was called by the nurse later in the afternoon telling me that she will call me back on Monday to schedule another appt.

Saturday I started having some cramping in my lower abdomen, I thought it was due to the fact that I finished Provera on Thursday and should be having my period soon. Then later that evening the cramping got worse and I started noticing that my urine was really cloudy and weird smelling. It was too late to do anything about it so on Sunday I went to the drug store and bought this UTI test from AZO, took it and it turned positive, GREATTTT I have a freaking UTI! Dr's office was closed, so I will be calling on Monday to see if I can get in so I can get the antibiotics started, all I need is it to turn into a kidney infection. Oh AF is still missing, where is that witch?!?!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Repeat HSG and Failed Clomid Cycles

I finally was able to have a repeat HSG last week, the RE prescribed Valium hoping to help relax the the uterus, and Motrin to help the pain. Went through the whole changing into the gown,booties and hair net thing again. This time I had great news, both of my fallopian tubes are clear and open!!!!! Needless to say I'm over the moon happy about that news. Was prescribed clomid at 100 mgs from CD 5-9 for the first month (before the repeat HSG) and ovulated, but no BFP. Second Cycle in May was a big fat FAIL. I was prescribed the same dosage of Clomid and took it on the same days, but when I went in for my surge ultrasound, my follicles were stalled at 10mm, Dr prescribed 5 more days of clomid at a 150 mgs and told me to come back for another ultrasound in a week. Took the clomid, went for the ultrasound, follicles still only at 10 mm RE decided the cycle was a fail and prescribed Provera to start my cycles and asked me what I wanted to do next, continue with the clomid at a higher dosage or Injections. I chose injections, nervous and excited at the same time!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


After meeting with the RE for the first time, I was scheduled for an HSG (Hysterosalpingogram). A procedure where they pass a tiny catheter through the cervix into the uterus and fill the uterus up with dye to see if it drains through the fallopian tubes. Needless to say that whole idea scared the crap out of me! Arrived at the office, was told to put on a hospital gown, booties and a hair net, and led into a room that held equipment that looks like it belonged on an alien space ship. Told to lay down, and put my feet in the stirrups and relax, YEAH RIGHT! It was the most painful experience of my life (haven't had the pleasure of labor pains yet, so we will see which is worse). The doctor told me that unfortunately both my tubes appeared to be blocked, since the dye did not go through. I was devastated, I couldn't believe it. Then the RE proceeded to tell me my only options were to go for a Laprascopic surgery or IVF. I wasn't big on either of the ideas, and convinced the RE to do a repeat HSG on my next cycle. My DH's SA came back as normal, so that is great for him, but now I have to figure out whats wrong on my end!

First Re appt.

After Pcsing to California, We decided to get settled in to our new life on recruiting duty before we began to TTC again. It took about a year, I done my research, and found out there was a Fertility Center here that was well recommended. I went to my primary care physician to get a referral to a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) at the clinic. I was excited but so scared, what if the RE told us that there was nothing she could do for us, and we'd never be parents? Finally the day of the appt arrived. We met with the RE, she looked over my medical records, and old BBT charts from the clomid cycles, and said, we'll start with blood work, and another ultrasound, oh yay, here comes the dildo cam again (which i didn't know at the time but it was going to be one of many times we would meet). She also ordered my DH ( Dear or Damn Husband depending on his actions!) a Semen analysis (SA) and me to get a HSG (Hystero something or other) which meant dye being put into my uterus to see if my tubes were open.

Then she said we would start with 2-3 rounds of clomid to see if that will work, and if not, then we'll move on to Plan B.

The Begining of The Long Journey

I suppose I should start from the beginning. I've always been overweight as a teen. But never knew why, as well as starting to sprout hairs on my chin, and and my chest. At first it was only one or two but gradually began to see more and more. I've always had irregular menstrual cycles, but every doctor I went to in my teens told me that it would become more regular as you get older. Well, that was the most useless piece of BS I've ever heard, but at the time I believed them.

Fast forward to my mid twenties, I found the man of my dreams, got married at 23, 3 years later we decided it was time to try for a baby, We thought it was going to be easy, I mean all my sisters got pregnant with out even trying, so it should happen just easily for me right? Wrong! I guess 6 month deployment separations really didn't help that much. After trying for a year, I decided maybe next time I go in for my yearly pap, I'll ask my primary care Dr, whats wrong with me. Well he was clueless and told me that he was going to refer me to an outside ob gyn, since he was just a general Dr. This was January of 2008, I didn't get the referral until March.

My first visit, went well, got blood work done, everything looked normal, except I had a higher level of androgens, had my first experience with the dildo cam (vaginal ultrasound) she found numerous cysts on both ovaries, and declared that I have PCOS. She put me on Metformin, and clomid, monitored only by blood work for P4, from what I know now, that was very stupid of her to do, and me to go along with but I digress, and told me to call her if I got a positive test or my period. First cycle of clomid 50mgs was a FAIL, 2nd and 3rd cycle of clomid 100 mgs confirmed ovulation from P4 tests, but no BFPs in sight. Fourth cycle clomid 100mgs I got a faint pink line on a Frer at 14Dpo took two more tests over the next day, the line seemed to be fainter, called my Ob gyn who told me to go get a beta test done the next day. I thought my journey was finally over, no such luck, started to bleed the next morning, decided to not go through with the beta, obviously it was over, I had a chemical pregnancy. I decided to not try another cycle due to the fact that we were PCSing to California for recruiting duty, and the fact that I wasn't ready and was still upset.