
Monday, September 13, 2010

Injectable Cycle #2 Folliscan #3

Well this weekend certainly didn't go as planned! On Saturday morning the Dh had to go into the office early around 5:30 and had to pick some poolees to train. On the way back from picking up poolees on route to the office, he had a little accident. His work car is a little messed up on the passenger side. He called me at 6:57 To tell me this, Remember I had an appointment for my 3rd and hopefully last ultrasound at 7:30. I freaked out immediately, after being assured he wasn't hurt then I was beyond p' offed! I had to call in and tell them what happened, they were understanding and told me that if I could come in before 12 they would fit me in for an ultrasound without the blood work because the lab would already be done for the day by 10:00. I called DH and asked him if he would be done with everything related to insurance, and documenting the incident before 11:00 which he replied with a negative. I was even more P'offed by then and told him what I thought of that, afterwards I apologized, but at the time I was worried I was going to have to cancel the cycle.  So I had to call and reschedule for Sunday.

Sunday I went in at 9:15 for the Folliscan and blood work, first my blood work was done to check for my E2 levels then I went back for my scan. My RE was the one who did the scan this morning, which I was surprised since usually its a nurse who specializes in sonography. She was a little taken aback at how much CM (cervical mucus) that I had, and told me that I most likely had a very high E2 level. Then went on to tell me my lining was "perfect". Once she started on the ovaries, she got all serious, and told me that I had at least 2 good mature follicles at 16,18 and a few at14, 12 that could catch up if I continued on my stims. Then she told me I had a lot of little follicles that weren't going to release but probably wasn't making me feel that great, which was true, I've been having terrible cramping twinges on both sides since Friday night. She told me that I may have a slight possibility for twins if we conceived. I was a little taken aback by that, but then said well we will try and handle that situation if it arises, she laughed and said that's what you say now! Around 2pm I got a call from the RE telling me my E2 levels were over 1400 and she didn't want me to continue stimming due to the fact that she was afraid that I would get OHSS (Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome) and instead of releasing only 1-2 Mature Eggs, I would release anywhere between 4-5, which of course should be avoided at all costs!!!! I was told to trigger tonight and only use 2/3s of the meds and discard the rest. I triggered tonight at 9pm, so now Its bowchikawowow time!!!! I will be getting my HCG beta blood test on Sept. 27th!!! I really hope this cycle works!!!!!

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